P.O. Box 307
Mwanza, Tanzania
Fees and Allowances
for International Students
in B.A. in Mass Communication
Fax: 255-068-500575
Telephone: 255-068-550560, 552725
Telex: 46372
Welcome to
Congratulations on your selection for the incoming 1998 class at St. Augustine University of
Tanzania (SAUT). You're in for a rare treat. This new University, which opens with your class, offers the
challenge of strong academic and professional programmes in a scholarly atmosphere, while preserving at
the same time the spirit of community and personal concern that always characterized the Nyegezi Social
Training Institute (1960-98). You'll find your fellow students coming from many different countries,
particularly those of East and Central Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Malawi and
Burundi, as well as Tanzania. SAUT admits students of all religious backgrounds.
St. Augustine University extends over 600 acres on two campuses in the Nyegezi-Malimbe area 10.5 km
south of Mwanza municipality. Lying 3-4 km off the main Mwanza-Shinyanga road, near the shores of
Lake Victoria, the University is a half-hour's ride from Mwanza by car or bus. As part of Tanzania's
northern highlands (1140m above sea level), the area to the east of Lake Victoria is noted for its temperate
climate. Mwanza can be reached from other parts of Tanzania and East Africa by train, air, ferry and
Living on campus, you'll enjoy taking your meals in the company of your fellow students in one of the SAUT
dining halls, have ready access to classes and the library, the chapels, dispensary, offices, computer centre and studios, playing fields and on-campus activities. There's regular public bus service into Mwanza, however, so you'll always be in touch with the vigorous life of the city and the surrounding area.
1998-99 Fees
for All International Students
in Bachelor's Programme
Tuition, room and board $6,000
Registration and selection fee 50
Caution money
(generally paid only once) 25
Student Union 5
Identity Card 2
Residence Permit (for two-year period) 100
The above fees must be paid in cash or by telegraphic transfer or money order before or at the time when the
student arrives on campus.
Recommended yearly student allowances
Stationery $130
Books 140
Medical expenses 130
Spending money (perhaps $30/month) Variable
Travel money Variable
The above allowances are arranged personally between the student and a sponsor.
Special equipment
Mass Communication students will need a professional camera (either a 35mm SLR or a 120mm,
preferably with flash) and a portable cassette tape recorder with internal microphone.
Special allowances
For Bachelor's courses
Bachelor's students are required: (1) to do fieldwork or research during the holiday periods between terms,
and (2) to complete a major research project based on original data.
Since the fees for room and board do not include payment for these exercises, successful completion of these
projects will be possible only with the cooperation and financial support of a sponsor. The student and the
sponsor should discuss and agree upon a suitable budget to cover the costs.
Various expenses are involved in the major research project. After approval of the research proposal, the
student collects suitable data in a given location, writes the paper, gets it approved, typed and bound, and
submits it to the department.
Room and board, required in each of the two above activities, unless the student lives at home, is a
substantial part of the cost and is estimated at $15 per day. The normal length of time for this research is
two months.
For Photojournalism, students will be required to share the cost of film, paper and chemicals (approx. Tshs.
60-77,000). In Broadcasting, they must be able to purchase one or more CDs (Tshs. 15,000 ea).
Encouraged but not required is an allowance for a group study tour taken usually for seven days between
terms in first or second year.
Arrangements for
Passport and Residence Permit
It is most important that you take steps immediately to secure a Passport from your government, so that you
can apply for a Residence Permit from Tanzania. As a student at St. Augustine University, you will not be
permitted to enter Tanzania without a Residence Permit.
Please fill out the application form for the Residence Permit in duplicate (with an original signature and date
on each form) and send it back to us as soon as possible. You should include photocopies of those pages of
your Passport that indicate the country of origin, date and place of issuance, date of expiration, and photo of
the Passport holder. We will also need ten (10) passport-size photos, a curriculum vitae (C.V.) listing where
you have been and what you have done in each year since birth, a photocopy of your Joining Instructions
and your secondary school certificates, and a banker's check or money order for US$ 100.
To assure your successful entry into Tanzania, please send us these materials at least two months before your
The Confirmation of Joining and Sponsorship form should be returned as soon as possible--within one
week's time--to the Admissions Office at St. Augustine University.
If you have failed to send any of the required documents to the Admissions Office, please do so
immediately. Be sure to bring original copies of your educational certificates with you to St. Augustine.
We will expect you to be present to attend the New Student Orientation the last full week of August. For any
questions you may have, please write, fax, or e-mail the
Admissions Office
St. Augustine University of Tanzania
P.O. Box 307
Mwanza, Tanzania
Non-Tanzanian Strong competence in spoken and written English will be expected from candidates for
the B.A. in Mass Communication.. In specific cases, this competence must be demonstrated in a personal
interview or aptitude test.
Applicants to St. Augustine University are accepted for a specific course, which ordinarily is not be changed
after admission.
All students are expected to acquire computer skills in word processing and other appropriate programmes at
the University's Computer Centre, which has skilled instructors and is equipped for Internet and desktop
The Nyegezi Social Training Institute is engaged in creating library resources of significant benefit to
students and faculty. During the past few years, the library has been enriched by the acquisition of hundreds
of recent books in fields covered by the courses in Journalism, Mass Communication, Broadcasting and
Public Relations, bringing total holdings to approximately 16,000 volumes.
Students may live on campus or in the Mwanza-Nyegezi area. Women's housing has been increased by the opening of a new hostel for 48 women. Annual fees for tuition, room and board for the Bachelor's degree for 1998-99 are: 1.4m Tshs for Tanzanian students and $6,000 for students from outside Tanzania.
The ordinary deadline for receiving completed applications is 31st December, but later applicants can often
be accommodated. Acceptances and joining instructions are normally sent out in March and April.
Orientation for all new students is held the last full week of August and classes start the following Monday.
The Confirmation of Joining and Sponsorship form should be returned as soon as possible--within one week's time--to the Admissions Office at St. Augustine University. If you have failed to send any of the required documents to the Admissions Office, please do so immediately. For any questions you may have, please write, fax, or e-mail the Admissions Office or the Head of your Ddepartment, or write directly to:
The Vice Chancellor
St. Augustine University of Tanzania
P.O. Box 307
Mwanza, Tanzania
"That All May Be One"
All students are expected to acquire computer skills in spreadsheet or word processing applications
appropriate to their professional field at the University's Computer Centre. Supervised by skilled instructors,
the Centre currently has 13 computers and four printers, in addition to complete desktop publishing
equipment, with plans for further expansion.
The Nyegezi Social Training Institute is engaged in creating library resources of significant benefit to
students and faculty. During the past few years, the library has been enriched by the acquisition of several
thousand recent books in fields covered by the courses in Journalism, Mass Communication, Accountancy,
Materials Management and Hospital Administration, bringing total holdings to approximately 16,000
The ordinary deadline for receiving completed applications is 31st December, but later applicants can often
be accommodated.